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Alecia Patterson
Resource Teacher
Central Elementary School
Shawnese Pelley
L. J. Hauser Junior High School
Cathy Perino
Admin Assistant to Superintendent
District Office
Desmond Peters
ELA/Social Studies Teacher
L. J. Hauser Junior High School
Ariel Pim
3rd Grade Teacher
A. F. Ames Elementary School
Rachel Pinta
1st Grade Teacher
Blythe Park Elementary School
Jennie Popovic
French Teacher
L. J. Hauser Junior High School
Matthew Potts
A. F. Ames Elementary School
Mary Potts
Hollywood Elementary School
Patricia Prodanich
Library Information Specialist
A. F. Ames Elementary School
Christopher Prokop
ELA Teacher
L. J. Hauser Junior High School
Lucyna Ptak
Early Learners Teacher Long Term Substitute
A. F. Ames Elementary School
Molly Quiroz
EL Teacher
Central Elementary School
William Radtke
Director of Buildings & Grounds
Alexa Redeker
3rd Grade Teacher
A. F. Ames Elementary School
Joseph Renardo
Music Teacher K-5
A. F. Ames Elementary School
Mr. Renardo's Music Page
Maria Rico
District Office
Courtney Rizzo
Social Worker
Hollywood Elementary School
Linda Roberto
Admin Asst to Director of Special Ed
District Office
Bruce Robertson
L. J. Hauser Junior High School